My Mark Life Sciences


My Mark Life Sciences: Innovative Medtech for a Better Tomorrow

OUR VISION:  To use innovative medical procedures, devices, and advancements in bio-medical and tissue regenerative engineering to improve the quality of life for human beings. We aim to add value to scientific knowledge in medicine by conducting research and development that enhances its quality.
OUR MISSION: To develop Bio-Ink and support Research Organizations in bringing medicines to the market more quickly, cost-effectively, and with improved efficacy through simplified and advanced research techniques. We also seek to develop Bio-Ink for generating various tissues and bio-organs using stem cells, including a miniature heart made of stem cells.
OUR VALUE: At the heart of our work lies a deep passion for life sciences and an unwavering commitment to enhancing human life. We strive hard and smart to advance stem cell research, Bio-Ink, and bioprinting, contributing to medtech innovation.


These are 3D cell cultures growing on scaffold based systems, which are basically miniature versions of organs, grown into vitro in three
dimensional modules – which are derived from IPPs — which are used to study diseases and also used in treatment in labs. The most common
versions or types are cerebral organoids; gut organoids; thyroid organoids; and hepatic organoids.


Spheroids are three-dimensional (3D) CELL CULTURES, that arrange themselves during proliferation, into a sphere like formulations. They are
grown on scaffold free system. These spheroids are useful for tumour tissue (any tumour tissue), nervous tissue of brain and alveolar tissue of
lung (especially adenocarcinoma and bronchogenic carcinoma) for drug trials.


A BIOIogical GENerated (BIOGEN) Heart is a miniature heart, made up of differentiated and reprogrammed cardiomyocytes, and in Succession making of BIOINK with the help of proprietary biomaterials, which are printed with the help of 3D Bio plotter (Having the assistance of CAD and DICOM) — Where the miniature heart being printed is of the size 12 MM to 18 MM — Having the exacting features and similarities, along with rate, rhythm, features of contraction and relaxation of human heart.

This Bio-Organic tool, will be deployed at a singular area in the human body where the heavy vasculature and collaterals –
along with tissue presence — where cellular respir takes place with high velocity.


These are also made in the field of general anatomy, for the purpose of medical academics and research, which are as follows:
Injectable hydrogel for bone regrowth and healing Of fractures,